the distribution network managers to which we are connected
Distribution network managers
ENEDIS and French Local Distribution Companies are what we call Distribution Network Managers: they are responsible for the maintenance, operation and development of the energy distribution network (gas or electricity). They thus fulfill the same public service missions in their respective service territories: ENEDIS is responsible for the public service of electricity distribution in 95% of the metropolitan territory, the ELDs are concessionaires of the public service for the distribution of electricity in the remaining 5% of the territory.
For E-PANGO, these companies are privileged partners: they are the ones who allow us to supply you with electricity, since they carry our electricity to your meter.

Contractual and IT interconnection
E-PANGO has been authorized by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy to operate as an electricity supplier. We were thus able to sign a network access contract with ENEDIS, and to interconnect our IT systems.
To be able to market our offers in the territories of the other French Local Distribution Companies, it is also necessary to sign network access contracts with each company (and to interconnect our IT systems). There are 170 in France: the task is thus complicated, and engaging in such a process involves costs that not all suppliers are able to assume.
However, only suppliers who have signed such a contract are able to offer their customers a single contract encompassing the supply of electricity and access to the network.

Local Distribution Partners
Here is the list of Electricity Distribution Network Manager with whom we have concluded a supplier contract. E-PANGO is therefore able to market its offers on their territories.
Contact us
Your local distributor is not on this list?
Do not hesitate to contact us so that we study the possibility of adding it to our partners.